Professor Helmut Sies, the Redox pioneer

Dr. Helmut Sies (MD, 1967) is known as a Redox Pioneer, since he authored five posts on oxidative stress, lycopene, and chromium, every one of which was cited more than 1000 days, and coauthored a post about how hydroperoxide metabolism in mammalian techniques cited over 5000 days (Google Scholar). He acquired preclinical education in the University of Tübingen and the University of Munich, clinical practice in Munich (MD, 1967) and Paris, also finished Habilitation in Munich (Physiological Chemistry and Physical Biochemistry, 1972). In early study, he identified hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as a typical aerobic metabolite and formulated a procedure to measure H2O2 concentration and turnover . He measured fundamental redox methods for energy metabolism (NAD, NADP programs ) and antioxidant GSH from subcellular compartments. He described ebselena selenoorganic chemical, as a glutathione peroxidase mimic. He also contributed a basic discovery into the structure of GSH, selenium nourishment, singlet oxygen biochemistry, and wellness benefits of dietary lycopene and anti-oxidant. He’s published over 600 posts, 134 of which can be mentioned at least 100 occasions, also edited 28 novels. His h-index is 115. Throughout the previous quarter of the 20th century into the 21st, he’s functioned as a scout, trailblazer, and also leader in redox biology. His formulation of the idea of oxidative stress stimulated and directed research from oxidants and antioxidants; his pioneering research on carotenoids and flavonoids educated nutritional tactics against cancer, cardiovascular disease, and aging; along with his behavioural way of redox biochemistry provides a basis for contemporary redox systems research. Helmut Sies is a Authentic Redox Pioneer.


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