The neuropharmacology of butyrate: The bread and butter of this microbiota-gut-brain axis?

Butyrate, a four-carbon short-chain fatty acid, can be generated through microbial fermentation of dietary fibers in the lower intestinal tract. Endogenous butyrate creation, delivery, and absorption by colonocytes are well recorded. Butyrate exerts its works by acting as a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor or signaling through several G proteincoupled receptors (GPCRs). Lately, butyrate has received special attention because of its favorable effects on intestinal homeostasis and energy metabolism. On the other hand, the use of butyrate in obesity remains contentious. Growing evidence has emphasized the effect of butyrate on the gut-brain axis. Within this short article, we summarize the current knowledge on the attributes of butyrate, especially its possible consequences and mechanisms involved in intestinal obesity and health.
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